Embracing the Vigor of the Wood Dragon: A Journey to Wellness

As the 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon approaches, we stand on the cusp of a period brimming with vigor, ambition, and renewal. In Chinese culture, the dragon is revered as a symbol of power, luck, and prosperity, embodying the dynamic essence of Yang within the Tao's dual archetypes. This Yang energy is complemented by the Yin, represented by sigil of the white tiger. The interplay of dragon's Yang and tiger's Yin reflects the balance inherent in the universe, guiding our approach to holistic health and wellness in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and is a concept that I see transform our lives and this world on a minute by minute basis.

The Dragon and Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Symbol of Healing

In TCM, the dragon's connection to wellness transcends metaphor, influencing the holistic approaches to health that have guided practitioners for millennia. As a Yang symbol, the dragon inspires action, warmth, and growth—qualities that are essential for revitalizing health and fostering vitality.

The Wood Element in TCM: Growth and Vitality

The Year of the Wood Dragon, specifically, brings into focus the element of wood, one of the Five Phases (or Elements) that describe the cycles of change in the natural world, according to TCM. Wood symbolizes growth, flexibility, and vitality. It is the element that governs spring, a time of birth and renewal, mirroring the dragon's qualities of innovation and leadership. In the context of health, wood influences the liver and gallbladder, organs responsible for smooth Qi (energy) flow and emotional regulation, respectively. The wood element's healthful qualities emphasize adaptability, nurturing one's ambitions and creativity, which are essential for personal growth and well-being.

Cannabinoids and Chinese Medicine: A Modern Alchemy

In this auspicious dragon year, the ancient wisdom of TCM and the innovative spirit of modern cannabinoid medicine converge at Dragon Hemp. Here, the healing power of nature is harnessed through therapeutic products that blend the finest cannabinoids with traditional Chinese herbs. While most references to cannabis and its derivatives- CBD, THC, THCV, etc - are somewhat rare, there is ancient literature suggesting that cannabis, or “Ma Hua”, was recorded as one of the fifty fundamental herbs given its varied and effective therapeutic benefits. The mission of TCM, including all of its modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, tuina, is to restore harmony and balance, or homeostasis, to the body which will lead to better health and wellness. Cannabinoids share this mission by down-regulating inflammation in the body via the endocannabinoid system (ecs) echoes the principles of balance and harmony espoused by TCM.

Dragon Hemp: Elevating Wellness with Nature's Power

Dragon Hemp’s offerings are designed to elevate wellness, embodying the wood element's vitality and the dragon's transformative energy. Our products are crafted to support the liver and gallbladder, ensuring smooth Qi flow and emotional balance, thus reflecting the wood element's influence on health. By integrating CBD, known for its anti-inflammatory and calming effects, with herbs selected for their alignment with TCM principles, Dragon Hemp creates remedies that not only soothe the body but also uplift the spirit.

As we embrace the Year of the Wood Dragon, let us also welcome the opportunity to revitalize our health, pursue our ambitions, and foster personal growth. With Dragon Hemp, which is based on my practice embodying the harmonious balance between the Yin of the white tiger and the Yang of the dragon, you are invited to experience a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, so "you can feel like yourself again." In this year of dynamic change and potential, let the spirit of the dragon guide you towards wellness and prosperity, supported by the natural power of cannabinoids and the enduring wisdom of Chinese medicine.


Kevin Menard